BOOKS by pathways to possibilities
Throughout history, books have remained relevant because they teach us, inspire us, encourage us, motivate us, and thereby help us come to know our own true potential. Books stand the test of time. And we are the better for them.
At Pathways to Possibilities, we want our books to meet that very measure. We strive to create books that spark curiosity, challenge perspectives, impart wisdom, ask meaningful questions, and change lives.
Books are our valuable companions on the many paths our lives will take.

reimagine your life in a positive and purposeful way
Creating Clarity & Connection provides life-affirming practices to bring meaning to your self-discovery journey. Whether you are just starting, restarting, or reviving your efforts to reconsider your life, you can:
Rediscover the things that make you happy,
Reclaim your sense of wholeness,
Reframe your life with a sense of purpose and perspective,
Remake your life in a positive and purposeful way.
Creating Clarity & Connection provides direction to begin pursuing your best life, the life you know is waiting for you. No getting lost, sidetracked, or hijacked.
The self-guided journal pages offer guidance to help you understand:
Where to start?
Happiness. Happiness is the key to shifting your perspective. Learn how to use Happiness Habits to infuse your life with simple moments that make you happy.
Start with the end in mind. Before you begin your journey, develop the insight and clarity you need to define what you truly want for your life.
Create an internal compass, a compass of your heart, to guide you as you navigate life in the direction of your dreams.
Define the directions in life that are most important to you. The directions hold the key to your wellbeing and connect you with your unique talents and gifts.
How to make lasting forward progress?
Notice and become aware of life around you. Deliberately and intentionally break free from existing intellectual routines. You can’t be open to what you can’t see.
Experience the value of stillness. Cultivate your ability to connect with your heart and listen to the still small voice within you. The ability to hear in the stillness takes practice.
Take action. Become deeply immersed and engaged in life by trying new things that will expand the realm of your experiences. These purposeful actions nurture your inherent curiosity., create intentions, and invite results.
Creating Clarity & Connection is intuitive and easy to follow. Below is an example of how the journal pages can be used.

​Start right here, right now to create the clarity to connect with your life.
7.5" × 9.25", 222 pages, Color cover. Available on in Paperback & Kindle
Creating Clarity & Connection is a wonderful journal that gently guides the reader to finding their true, authentic self. Through personal examples, inspiring quotes, and doable suggestions the author encouraged me to start my own life changing journey. I didn't feel overwhelmed or discouraged with the changes I needed to do to bring peace to my life. I began my journey, one step at a time, and remembered to keep MY happiness on this journey and turn it into a lifetime companion. This journal has given me hope and changed my life! HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
"An open-ended, self-guided journal that focuses on combating feelings of emptiness through self-awareness and personal authenticity, Robin Shukle’s Creating Clarity and Connection: A Self-Guided Journal to Inspire A Positive and Purposeful Life is a refreshing workbook that encourages readers to define their own path to happiness, as opposed to following other people. Shukle highlights the surprising importance of metaphorical 'crumbs,' or day-to-day occurrences that we’ll notice if we start to pay attention, as a path forward to discovering purpose and direction. The book contains plenty of journaling sections for readers, who will no doubt be inspired by the text’s compass-driven approach to finding meaning and creating positive habits. Where other works of self-help might concentrate on common faults, Shukle’s guide is uniquely illuminating for stressing how personal empowerment is different for every single person, resulting in a creative, encouraging, and original manual."
books to help you along your path

Well-Being planner
Practices for self-reflection & discovery
The Well-Being Planner was created to manage the activities of daily life alongside the challenging and unfolding events and questions of self-discovery and personal transformation. It provides both a planning space and a growth space to ensure that you are taking the purposeful actions you need to create your best most satisfying life.
The Well-Being Planner uses a 2-page approach to planning. The left-hand page tracks your personal development journey. The right-hand page manages your life. This way, you can see the totality of your life, yet keep each area distinct.
The planner provides:
The mindset and perspective necessary to create and foster a purposeful, balanced, and happy life.
Prompts to guide you and help you stay focused on your well-being journey.
Free form sections to encourage you to pause, notice, and become more mindful of what is happening in your life.
A Daily & Done section for you to chart your reoccurring goals and activities and visually see your progress.
Organization for the different facets of your life using four individual scheduling sections. These mini to-do lists give you the clarity you need to get it all done.
Space to help you think outside of the box. A place to let you collect random thoughts, ideas, and inspirations.
Supplemental material, 65 happiness habits, a bibliography of suggested inspirational books and quotes, a free digital download to get started, all to help you stay centered on your well-being journey.
Start right here, right now to provide the visibility, clarity, and focus you need to create your best most satisfying life.
7.5" × 9.25", 192 pages, Color cover, Paperback.
Available on

companion journal to creating clarity & connection
with starter compass
Reimagine Your Life
The Companion Journal to Creating Clarity & Connection with Starter Compass provides journal pages with the starter compass for you to continue the purposeful actions that bring happiness, direction, and meaning to your self-discovery journey.
The self-guided journal pages offer guidance to help you understand:
How to make lasting forward progress.
Notice and become aware of life around you. Deliberately and intentionally break free from existing intellectual routines. You can’t be open to what you can’t clearly see.
Experience the value of stillness. Cultivate your ability to connect with your heart and listen to the still small voice within you.
Take action. Become deeply immersed and engaged in life by trying new things that will expand the realm of your experiences. These purposeful actions nurture your inherent curiosity, create intentions, and invite results.
How to Let Your Life Speak.
By starting happy and starting small, you create the mindset and perspective needed to work your way toward the life of your dreams.
With each purposeful action you take your life will unfold. Life rewards action. No getting lost, sidetracked, or hijacked.
Start right here, right now to continue to connect with your dreams.
7.5" × 9.25", 223 pages, Color cover, Paperback.
Available on

companion journal to creating clarity & connection
with custom compass
Reimagine Your Life
The Companion Journal to Creating Clarity & Connection with Custom Compass provides journal pages with the custom compass for you to continue the purposeful actions that bring happiness, direction, and meaning to your self discovery journey.
The self-guided journal pages offer guidance to help you understand:
How to make lasting forward progress.
Notice and become aware of life around you. Deliberately and intentionally break free from existing intellectual routines. You can’t be open to what you can’t clearly see.
Experience the value of stillness. Cultivate your ability to connect with your heart and listen to the still small voice within you.
Take action. Become deeply immersed and engaged in life by trying new things that will expand the realm of your experiences. These purposeful actions nurture your inherent curiosity, create intentions, and invite results.
How to Let Your Life Speak.
By starting happy and starting small, you create the mindset and perspective needed to work your way toward the life of your dreams.
With each purposeful action you take your life will unfold. Life rewards action. No getting lost, sidetracked, or hijacked.
Start right here, right now to continue to connect with your dreams.
7.5" × 9.25", 223 pages, Color cover, Paperback.
Available on