I can’t even remember when it started. It was never a conscious decision.
Each morning, as I am having my breakfast, I reach for one of the daily meditation / inspiration / motivation books that I have collected over the years. I open it to a random page and read the selection that presents itself. I admit these books are a little outside the traditional daily motivational fare, but when I need a new idea, I consult an old book. I have an affinity for ancient wisdom, and these are some of the best oracles. Besides, how can you go wrong with a book about Rebellious Eccentrics?
The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish by Neil Douglas-Klotz
The Delphic Maxims: 147 Ancient Rules for a Happy Life
The Monastic Way: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Living by Hannah Ward
The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday
Offerings: Buddhist Wisdom for Every Day (Offerings for Humanity) by Danielle Follmi
To Bless the Space Between Us, A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue
Wild Wisdom: Zen Masters, Mountain Monks & Rebellious Eccentrics Reflect on the Healing Power of Nature by Neil Douglas-Klotz
I never think about which book to take from the pile, nor about where to open it. What I like about this morning ritual is that it gets me started on a positive and inquisitive foot, and I learn something new every day.
Until today, when I chose, or more aptly, when The Sufi Book of Life, chose me. Specifically, page 177, Pathway 65 of the Heart: Channeling Extraordinary Power:
“When you are guided to this pathway, take the opportunity to affirm the magic of life.”
The passage went on to include a quote by Inayat Khan, an early twentieth century Sufi:
Failure in life does not matter; the greatest misfortune is standing still.
And then went on to provide a commentary on the quote by Samuel Lewis:
For life is action, action in any direction. Vibrations are like waves that rise and fall. The wave travels in a definite direction as towards a goal and yet in its movement rises and falls to crest and trough. So people rise and fall, have apparent successes and failures, but all the time may be moving towards their true destination without even knowing it. It is only the one who does not move who does not arrive.
In and of itself very interesting and enlightening. But it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear to reinforce a corrective action the Universe provided by giving me 3 Crumbs to follow the week before. This text had chosen me and was letting me know that I had indeed understood the lesson in the Crumbs currently.
Wow! This had never happened to me before. To get confirmation that I had indeed understood the lesson at hand:
Affirm the magic of life.
Failure in life does not matter; the greatest misfortune is standing still.
For life is action, action in any direction.
It is only the one who does not move who does not arrive.
Or only those, according to Rumi, who “... keep stopping for long periods at mean-spirited roadhouses.”
This time, for the first time, the Rule of St Benedict rang loud and clear—listening is a key to growth. I listened and it was affirmed.
Content, I am continuing on my way . . .
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Links to the books above for your convenience. They are affiliate links so we would earn a small percentage of the sale.
The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish by Neil Douglas-Klotz
The Monastic Way: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Living by Hannah Ward
The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday
Offerings: Buddhist Wisdom for Every Day (Offerings for Humanity) by Danielle Follmi
To Bless the Space Between Us, A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue
Wild Wisdom: Zen Masters, Mountain Monks & Rebellious Eccentrics Reflect on the Healing Power of Nature by Neil Douglas-Klotz
Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I love how the universe confirmed your crumbs.