Ponderings on the Path blog posts focus on what I am thinking about and considering as I journey towards self-discovery and my authentic self.
Life on the Path blog posts deal with the day-to-day realities and challenges of living an intentioned life.
Reset, Fast Forward, or Pause?
Pointing My Bow
The Upanishads, Mel Robbins, and Rumi
Life Lessons I Missed
First, Last, and Love
What Is Old Is New Again
A Community of One?
Longing to Belong
Stories and Compassion
I Needed a Thinky
A Unifying Principle
Too Much of A Good Thing?
Conundrums and Contradictions
The Rearview Mirror
The Pretense of Accidents. What???
The Enemy Near
The Great Untangling . . .
We All Do It.
Perfectly Imperfect
It’s Never What You Think
The Longest Journey . . .